Create Skill

Create 1.1.1 Time Management
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Here are 5 time management tools that I found useful.

1. Onenote: This allows you to keep and store large amount of notes. This is within the Micrsoft 2010 edition.  You can drop and drag notes into virtual storage.
2. Toggl - Keeps track of how long you have been working on a project. Toggl saves your entire project and is accessible on Mac, PC, and mobile phones.
3. Nozbe - This organizes your tasks according to the location where you'd perform them.
4. StayFocusd - Google Chrome extension and it blocks your biggest time-wasting sites. 
5. Grid Analysis - This tool is designed to help you make decisions more effectively. You score each option and it helps you make the best decision based on the factors you input.
Create 1.1.2 Creating a Content Map
Here is a content map I created on teaching the Food Guide Pyramid 
Create 1.1.3 Appearance

During this quest I explored online learning modules.  I have made a list of 5 sites I think have sound design and a list of 5 sites I think need improvement.

Excellent Design:
1. Khan Academy: Clean lines and easy to use.  The subjects you are looking for are easy to locate and the layout is not to busy
2.  Brain Pop: Fun and inviting design.  Clean lines and color choice make the site entertaining, but not overwhelming.
3.Edmodo: Easy to use, you can find a and house a lot of information.  The site is not to overwhelming and information is easy to find.
4. ck-12: I like the light colors and the visuals that are used.  The images make it easy to find what you are looking for.
5.  Discovery Education: The pictures are interesting and grab your attention.  The home page is easy to navigate with links listed at the top of the page.

Need Improvement:
1. Cool Math Games: The design is overwhelming and to busy. They also had ads all over their homepage.
2. Mountain Heights Academy: Homepage seems easy, but the design does not grab my attention.  I was bored when I landed on the homepage.
3. Quia: Boring and outdated.  The homepage looks about 10 years old.
4. About Education: Limited resources and links out other websites.
5. Design does not engage the client.  No appealing visuals.

_________________________________________________________________________________Create 2.1.1 Web Tools

Create 2.1.2 Using Web 2.0 Tools to Differentiate Teacher Instruction

I used Screen-O-Matic to record me presenting a PowerPoint on depression.

Create 2.1.3 Using Web 2.0 Tools to Differentiate Student Assessment
Powtoon allows students to complete assignments in a fun and creative way.  It is easy to use and give their projects a boost.

_________________________________________________________________________________Create 3.1.1 Open Education Resources and Creative Commons

My definition for Open Education Resources: Teaching resources that are online and everyone one can use as they are or build upon them.  These resources may include, images, audio, assignments, test, games, course information and any other resource used for education purposes.

Creative Commons: a licenses that provides a flexible range of protection for authors, artist and educators.

The Licenses

1.  Attribution: Let other distribute, remix, tweak and build upon.
2.  Attribution- ShareAlike:  Lets other remix, tweak and build upon your work even for commercial purposes.
3. Attribution-NoDerivs: Allow for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, with credit to you.
4.  Attribution-NonCommercial:  Lets others remix, tweak, and build upon for non-commercial.
5.  Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike: Lets others remix, tweak and build upon for non-commercial, as long as they credit you for new creations.
6.  Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs: Most restrictive.  Only Allow others to download your work and share them with giving credit to you. They can not change them in any way or use commercially

Create 3.1.2 Fair Use and the TEACH Act
Image result for fair use                   

As an  online instructor the Fair Use act gives teachers flexibility to use materials that are copyrighted in part, not whole.  For example, copying a portion of a text instead of the entire text.  Often some of the most valued resources are copyrighted.  However, following the following checklist, as educators, we can provide a variety of copyrighted material to our students.
  1. The purpose and character of the use
  2. The nature of the work
  3. The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the work as a whole
  4. The effect of the use on the market or potential market for the original work.

Fair Use (allows anyone to use)  and TEACH Act (refers to just teachers) provide reliable content by utilizing guidelines and restrictions on educational resources that can be used online. 
Create 3.1.3 Locating Resources
Resources for the Food Guide Pyramid
Image Wikipedia
Image result for food guide pyramid

Food Pyramid on

Dietary Guidelines on YouTube Creative Commons
Create 4.1.1 Define and Explain Learning Object Authoring Tools

This link list many free sources for Learning Authoring tools.
1. W2L

What2Learn is an site for developers to create games and quizzes.  It provides education resources and ways to revise games for students with learning difficulties.

You can create education games, quizzes and assignments.  You can store them on your own blog.

3.  Xerte is an open source that allows you to create interactive learning materials.

For a Fee
 Allen Interactions

1.  ai
Create interactive material to share, publish or sell. 

2.  QuickLessons 
Create an entire online course.
Create 4.1.2 Principles of Building Portable Learning Objects

Image result for Quizlet

I created a quiz for my students to use to review the Food Guide Pyramid on Quizlet.

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I created a quiz for my students on Kahoot. I would use this quick quiz to begin a discussion on food groups.

Create 4.1.3 Aggregating Lesson Material

When you are aggregating material, it simply means to upload and organize resources and materials.  Here are some online sources that can be used to help teachers aggregate and present their resources and share them with their students.

Image result for edmodo

Edmodo: Teacher can upload syllabus and additional classroom resources to assist in learning.  It allows the teacher to build upon content presented in the classroom.  The service is free.

FlipSnack - Online flipbook maker

FlipSnack:  Free service with the option to upgarde.  You can share content and resources with students and parents.

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Moodle: This is a free service,  Teachers can aggregate materials into a cloud storage system.

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